Saturday 22 August 2015

Bang Bang America

Bang Bang America, Honorary Rector of the Serpent is a locally famous painting by my friend Barbi. 
In a manic state she tore it apart intending to do a Monet copy in the back and put it back in it's frame. 
I rescued it and restored it. Barbi is all artist and doesn't have the practical skills to frame art. I do. 
It is an angry painting and given the state of the US Government somewhat timeless I believe..
When Barbi exhibited it some years ago it won best of show and caused controversy, some saying that it 
was political and had no place as Art. I explained to some of our pissed off artist friends that it was not 
political but a painting of the artist's emotional state; anger at the US Government.
Eventually I shall put this large painting in the wagon and get it back to Barbi's place in Whangaparoa, 
meanwhile it joins my collection here at Art School Waihi